Should My Heat Pump in Louisville, KY Run Constantly?

Although heat pumps can seem to run constantly, they shouldn’t have to run constantly other than when it’s excessively hot or cold. For example, during summer in Louisville, KY, the average temperature during the summer isn’t hot enough to make your heat pump run constantly.

What If the Temperature Is Excessively Hot?

Summer highs in Louisville don’t usually climb much above 90° F, and the temperature would have to be a bit higher to reach that point.

Could Something Be Wrong With My Heat Pump?

Yes, something could be wrong. For example, you might have to clean the air filter or the outside heat exchanger if there’s excessive dirt or debris. Alternatively, your condenser could be on the fritz.

Also, ice could have formed on the condenser or the outside exchanger. Dirt might not be the culprit because low coolant levels can also result in ice forming on your system’s components. In any case, when something is amiss with your heat pump, it’s time to hire a professional technician.

What If Nothing’s Actually Wrong?

There are other reasons why your heat pump might run constantly. For example, check that you haven’t accidentally left a window or door open, which will likely result in unwanted continuous running through inefficiency. In addition, although it may sound silly, you might have set your thermostat to an unreasonably cool temperature during the summer.

We’ve been a reliable HVAC company in Louisville since 1947, and we have Better Business Bureau accreditation and an A+ rating. You can trust our combination of experience and knowledge. To book an appointment for heat pump maintenance services, call us at Birkhead Co.

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